Web-configurable settings are split in multiple sub-pages. This page is meant to clarify the purpose of each setting.
WiFi Settings
This sub-page offers options to connect the ESP to different WiFi/WLAN devices. (This section applies to WLED 0.8.5.)
Setting name | Value Range | Description |
Network Name | String 0..32 | The name (SSID) of your home WiFi. Spaces and some other characters are not supported. |
Network password | String 0..64 | The password of your home WiFi |
Static IP | 4x 0..256 | An optional static IPv4 address |
Static gateway | 4x 0..255 | In a static config, your gateway's IPv4 address |
Static subnet | 4x 0..255 | In a static config, this normally is |
mDNS address | String 0..32 | Name of your device for the Bonjour/Zeroconf protocol |
Client IP | - | The current IP of the ESP in the home network |
AP SSID | String 0..32 | The name of the ESPs internal WiFi hotspot (Access Point) |
Hide AP name | Y/N | The ESPs Access Point won't appear in WiFi lists of other devices |
AP password | String 0..64 | The password of the ESPs WiFi Access Point |
AP WiFi channel | 1..13 | The 2.4G WiFi band of the AP. For advanced users |
AP opens | select | Condition on when to open the AP |
AP IP | - | The Access Point IPv4 address of the ESP (is in most cases) |
WiFi sleep | Y/N | Disabling WiFi sleep can increase reliability, but increases power consumption |
LED Preferences
This sub-page configures your LED & Hardware setup. (This section applies to WLED 0.14.1.)
Setting name | Value Range | Default | Description |
Enable automatic brightness limiter | on/off | on | Have WLED automatically reduce overall brightness so that maximum current draw from the power supply stays below a specified level |
Maximum current | 300–65000 mA | 850 mA | Maximum allowable current draw that WLED will target [only appears if "Enable automatic brightness limiter" is on] |
LED voltage | multiple options | "5V default (55mA)" | Voltage/type of LEDs [only appears if "Enable automatic brightness limiter" is on] |
Custom max. current | 1–255 | 50 | Current draw of a single LED pixel set to full white [only appears if "LED voltage" is set to "Custom"] |
Hardware Setup
LED outputs
WLED supports multiple outputs. To add an output, click the plus button at the bottom of the "LED outputs": section; to remove the last output, click the minus button. Bellow the plus/minus buttons is an indication of how much of the memory allocated to LEDs is being used by the configuration.
All outputs share the same address space within WLED. By default, the first pixel of an output will be given an address that is one higher than the last pixel of the previous output, but this can be altered.
Each output has the following settings:
Setting name | Value Range | Default | Description |
Type (represented by the output's number) | multiple options | WS281x | Select the type of LEDs this output will be controlling |
Clock | multiple options | "Normal" | Select the PWM or SPI frequency used when driving supported LEDs Used PWM frequencies for the ESP8266 / ESP32, and SPI respectively; Slowest: 293.33 Hz / 6510.33 Hz / 1 MHz Slow: 440 Hz / 9765.50 Hz / 2 MHz Normal: 880 Hz / 19531 Hz / 5 MHz Fast: 1760 Hz / 39062 Hz / 10 MHz Fastest: 2640 Hz / 58593 Hz / 20 MHz [only appears if "Type" is set to a type that is controlled by PWM or SPI] |
Color order | muliple options | "GRB" | Select which order your LEDs process color information (e.g. if your LEDs display red and green swapped, try changing it) [only appears if "Type" is set to a type that supports color order] |
Start/Index | integer | cummulative length of all previous outputs | Define which address this output (or its first pixel) should use within WLED's address space [only editable if "Custom bus start indices" is on] |
Length | integer | 1 | Define how many pixels are connected to this output [only appears if "Type" is set to a type that supports multiple pixels] |
(Data/Clk) GPIO(s) | integer | (blank) | Tell WLED which GPIO pin(s) this output is connected to [number and description of GPIO settings will depend on the output's selected type] |
Reversed (rotated 180°) | on/off | off | Mirrors the LEDs (last LED is first) [only appears if "Type" is set to a type that supports multiple pixels] |
Skip first LEDs | 0–length | 0 | Will turn off the first one or more LEDs and shift those remaining by that number (e.g. if the first LEDs are only used as a signal repeater) [only appears if "Type" is set to a type that supports multiple pixels] |
Off Refresh | on/off | off (typically) | WLED doesn't send out data if all of its outputs are off, but some pixels (notably TM1814) will go into a demo mode after a period of inactivity, and setting forces WLED to periodically send out additional "off" commands [only appears if "Type" is set to a type that supports multiple pixels; default is "on" if "Type" is set to "TM1814"] |
Inverted output | on/off | off | Invert the output's state (i.e. if the output is bright when it's supposed to be dark, set this to "on") [only appears if "Type" is set to a type that supports output inversion] |
IP address | IPv4 | (blank) | Set the IP address where the output data should be sent to [only appears if "Type" is set to a type that supports network output] |
Auto-calculate white channel from RGB | multiple options | "None" | Selects whether WLED should attempted to generate white-channel information for colors that are only defined as red, green, and blue values [only appears if "Type" is set to a type that has more than three color channels] |
The following settings apply to all LED outputs:
Setting name | Value Range | Default | Description |
Make a segment for each output | on/off | off | Will automatically create a segment for each output, including the correct Start LED and Stop LED settings |
Custom bus start indices | on/off | off | When on, custom "Start" or "Index" values can be set for each output (e.g. output 2 can be set so that it shows up as LED address 200 regardless of output 1's length) |
Use global LED buffer | on/off | on | Improves the performance of WLED-wide brightness controlls (including Automatic Brightness Limiting) at the expense of additional memory usage |
Additionally, one or more Color Order Overrides can be defined by clicking the plus button. This is useful when you have LEDs with two different color orders sharing the same output. The following settings are available for each override:
Setting name | Value Range | Default | Description |
Start | integer | 0 | Define which address this color override should start it |
Length | integer | 1 | Define how many pixels in a row should have their color setting overridden |
Color order | muliple options | "GRB" | Same as "Color order" above |
Other settings
(This section applies to WLED 0.8.5; some of these settings no longer appear in 0.14.1.)
Setting name | Value Range | Description |
Turn on after power up | Y/N | Whether the lights should turn on after a reset |
Apply preset | 0..16 | Preset to load at boot (0 = none) |
Use Gamma for brightness | Y/N | Will correct brightness changes to make it appear more linear. Advised to leave off |
Use Gamma for color | Y/N | Will correct colors to match those on a monitor. Strongly advised to keep on |
Brightness factor | 1..255 | Factor to change master brightness if it is to dim/bright for a certain configuration |
Crossfade | Y/N | Whether to have a smooth fading transitional effect when changing colors/brightness |
Transition time | 0..65535 | How many milliseconds the transition lasts |
Enable transition for secondary color | Y/N | |
Enable Palette transitions | Y/N | Enable transitions for palettes (not affected by transition time) |
Timed light duration | 1..255 | How long the nightlight should stay on |
Target brightness | 0..255 | What brightness the light should have after time is over. 0=off. |
Fade down | Y/N | Gradually fades down the light over the duration instead of turning it off at the end |
Palette blending | select | Choose how the palette wraps at the end (seam) |
User Interface settings
This sub-page changes the look of the web interface. (This section applies to WLED 0.8.5.)
Setting name | Value Range | Description |
Server description | String 1..32 | The name of the device as shown on the top of the UI. Differs from Alexa device name |
Sync button toggles... | Y/N | If enabled, both send and receive are toggled by the button in UI. If disabled, only sending is toggled and receiving is kept as configured in Sync settings. |
Sync settings
This sub-page configures external software synchronization interfaces. (This section applies to WLED 0.8.5.)
Setting name | Value Range | Description |
On/Off button enabled | Y/N | Check if there is a physical pushbutton connected to GPIO0 |
Infrared receiver type | select | Type of infrared receiver |
Broadcast UDP port | 1..65535 | All WLED lights you want to group together must have the same port |
Receive Brightness | Y/N | If there is a sync notification, whether its brightness should be applied |
Color | Y/N | Whether the color of the synced device should be applied |
Effects | Y/N | Whether the effect settings should be applied |
Send on direct change | Y/N | Whether to send a sync notification when state changed via web UI or API |
Send on button press | Y/N | Whether to send sync when toggled by button or IR |
Send Alexa notifications | Y/N | Whether to send sync after changed by Alexa (you may use Alexa groups instead) |
Send Hue notifications | Y/N | Whether to send sync after a connected Philips light changed |
Send Macro notifications | Y/N | Whether to send sync after a macro was triggered |
Send notifications twice | Y/N | Sends notifications twice (if you have issues with UDP packet loss) |
Receive UDP realtime | Y/N | Receive live UDP stream data (DRGB, WARLS, ...) |
Use E1.31 multicast | Y/N | Listen on multicast IP instead of unicast |
E1.31 start universe | 1..63000 | Only applies for multicast. If you want to set different content, set ESPs at least 8 universes apart |
Timeout | 100..65000 | Time after which to resume normal mode once stream has stopped. 65000 will keep the data indefinitely |
Force max brightness | Y/N | Realtime stream with max. brightness (unless limited by power brightness limiter) |
Disable realtime gamma correction | Y/N | Check if your host software does gamma correction already |
Realtime LED offset | -255..255 | Shift the realtime input by how many LEDs |
Emulate Alexa device | Y/N | Allows you to control the light via the Amazon Echo voice assistant. Requires reboot |
Alexa Invocation name | String 1..32 | The name you want the device to have for control via Alexa. Choose something easy she can understand |
Device Auth token | String 40 | You will get this in an e-mail during Blynk setup |
MQTT Broker | IP or String 0..32 | Connect to this host MQTT broker |
Device topic | String 0..32 | MQTT topic unique to this light |
Group topic | String 0..32 | MQTT topic for all lights in a group (room, floor, ...) |
Hue Bridge IP | 4x 0..255 | Your Hue bridge IPv4 address. Should be static to avoid reassigning |
Poll Hue light | 0..99 | The ID of the hue lamp you want to sync WLED to |
every x ms | 100..65000 | How often to poll. Smaller numbers decrease lag but might hurt bridge responsiveness |
... | Y/N | Turn polling on/off |
Receive On/Off | Y/N | Turn on/off like the hue light |
Brightness | Y/N | Set brightness to that of the hue light |
Color | Y/N | Set color to that of the hue light |
Hue status | - | Shows the current connection status to a hue bridge |
Baud rate | Various | Set the default Serial connection Baud Rate |
Time settings
This sub-page configures automation tasks. (This section applies to WLED 0.8.5.)
Setting name | Value Range | Description |
Get time from NTP | Y/N | Whether to get the current time from the internet |
Use 24h format | Y/N | Use 24h clock format instead of AM/PM |
Time zone | - | Your time zone. Open an issue if yours is unsupported. DST is applied automatically |
UTC offset | -65000..65000 | Seconds to offset. If you want e.g. 1h offset, use 3600 |
Current local time | - | The local time the ESP has acquired. If set up correctly, should equal actual time |
Clock overlay | - | The special overlay to use. Allows to display a clock on the strip |
Countdown mode | Y/N | Allows to have a visual countdown towards a specific date |
API macro fields | 16x String 0..64 | Allows you to define custom API calls which can be triggered by events |
Boot Macro | 0..16 | Which macro to trigger after WiFi connected (0 is default action) |
Alexa On/Off Macros | 2x 0..16 | Which macros to trigger when turning on/off via Alexa |
Button Macro | 0..16 | Macro to trigger if button is short pressed. Default action is on/off toggle. |
Long Press | 0..16 | Macro to trigger if button is long pressed (>0.7s). Default action is random color. |
Double press | 0..16 | Macro for double click on button. |
Countdown-Over Macro | 0..16 | Macro to trigger when the countdown is over |
Timed-Light-Over Macro | 0..16 | Macro to trigger when timed light is done |
Security settings
This sub-page manages permissions and updates. (This section applies to WLED 0.8.5.)
Setting name | Value Range | Description |
Enable OTA lock | Y/N | If enabled, no firmware updates may be done via WiFi and some settings can't be changed. |
Passphrase | String 0..32 | To disable OTA lock, you need a password. The default is "wledota". Change it! |
Deny access to WiFi settings | Y/N | Disables changes to WiFi settings while locked |
Disable recovery AP | Y/N | If enabled, the module will not open an Access Point if connection to home WiFi failed. |
Factory reset | Y/N | Deletes all custom settings data (passwords, configuration, macros, presets) |
Manual OTA | - | If OTA is enabled, you can upload new binary firmware |
Enable ArduinoOTA | Y/N | Useful for developers. Be careful, can even be left on when OTA locked! |