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WLED versions since 0.8.4 implement a powerful JSON API over HTTP.
It is accessible using the /json subpage.

Obtaining light information

Sending a GET request will return an object similar to the sample below The response consists of four objects:

  • state contains the current state of the light. All values may be modified by the client (see below)
  • info contains general information about the device. No value can be modified using this API
  • effects contains an array of the effect mode names
  • palettes contains an array of the palette names

You may also obtain those objects individually using the URLs /json/state /json/info /json/eff, and /json/pal.

Reserved effect IDs

In WLED versions 0.14+, some effects are unsupported in certain builds (e.g. some audio reactive effects may only work on ESP32). In order for each effect to have an unique ID on all devices, having unsupported ones in between supported ones is possible. If called, these will fallback to the Solid effect, in the effects list they have the name RSVD or -. To improve user experience, it is recommended to remove effects with the names RSVD or - form the UI effect selection.

Example Library

WLED JSON API Library in rust. Even if you are not using rust, or don't know how to read rust, the up-to-date JSON structure is included and documented in this project.

Setting new values

Sending a POST request to /json or /json/state with (parts of) the state object will update the respective values. Example: {"on":true,"bri":255} sets the brightness to maximum. {"seg":[{"col":[[0,255,200]]}]} sets the color of the first segment to teal. {"seg":[{"id":X,"on":"t"}]} and replacing X with the desired segment ID will toggle on or off that segment.

CURL example

This will toggle on and off and return the new state (v0.13+): curl -X POST "http://[WLED-IP]/json/state" -d '{"on":"t","v":true}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Sample JSON API response (v0.8.4):

  "state": {
    "on": true,
    "bri": 127,
    "transition": 7,
    "ps": -1,
    "pl": -1,
    "nl": {
      "on": false,
      "dur": 60,
      "fade": true,
      "tbri": 0
    "udpn": {
      "send": false,
      "recv": true
    "seg": [{
      "start": 0,
      "stop": 20,
      "len": 20,
      "col": [
        [255, 160, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0]
      "fx": 0,
      "sx": 127,
      "ix": 127,
      "pal": 0,
      "sel": true,
      "rev": false,
      "cln": -1
  "info": {
    "ver": "0.8.4",
    "vid": 1903252,
    "leds": {
      "count": 20,
      "rgbw": true,
      "pin": [2],
      "pwr": 0,
      "maxpwr": 65000,
      "maxseg": 1
    "name": "WLED Light",
    "udpport": 21324,
    "live": false,
    "fxcount": 80,
    "palcount": 47,
    "arch": "esp8266",
    "core": "2_4_2",
    "freeheap": 13264,
    "uptime": 17985,
    "opt": 127,
    "brand": "WLED",
    "product": "DIY light",
    "btype": "src",
    "mac": "60019423b441"
  "effects": [
    "Solid", "Blink", "Breathe", "Wipe", "Wipe Random", "Random Colors", "Sweep", "Dynamic", "Colorloop", "Rainbow",
    "Scan", "Dual Scan", "Fade", "Chase", "Chase Rainbow", "Running", "Saw", "Twinkle", "Dissolve", "Dissolve Rnd",
    "Sparkle", "Dark Sparkle", "Sparkle+", "Strobe", "Strobe Rainbow", "Mega Strobe", "Blink Rainbow", "Android", "Chase", "Chase Random",
    "Chase Rainbow", "Chase Flash", "Chase Flash Rnd", "Rainbow Runner", "Colorful", "Traffic Light", "Sweep Random", "Running 2", "Red & Blue","Stream",
    "Scanner", "Lighthouse", "Fireworks", "Rain", "Merry Christmas", "Fire Flicker", "Gradient", "Loading", "In Out", "In In",
    "Out Out", "Out In", "Circus", "Halloween", "Tri Chase", "Tri Wipe", "Tri Fade", "Lightning", "ICU", "Multi Comet",
    "Dual Scanner", "Stream 2", "Oscillate", "Pride 2015", "Juggle", "Palette", "Fire 2012", "Colorwaves", "BPM", "Fill Noise", "Noise 1",
    "Noise 2", "Noise 3", "Noise 4", "Colortwinkle", "Lake", "Meteor", "Smooth Meteor", "Railway", "Ripple"
  "palettes": [
    "Default", "Random Cycle", "Primary Color", "Based on Primary", "Set Colors", "Based on Set", "Party", "Cloud", "Lava", "Ocean",
    "Forest", "Rainbow", "Rainbow Bands", "Sunset", "Rivendell", "Breeze", "Red & Blue", "Yellowout", "Analogous", "Splash",
    "Pastel", "Sunset 2", "Beech", "Vintage", "Departure", "Landscape", "Beach", "Sherbet", "Hult", "Hult 64",
    "Drywet", "Jul", "Grintage", "Rewhi", "Tertiary", "Fire", "Icefire", "Cyane", "Light Pink", "Autumn",
    "Magenta", "Magred", "Yelmag", "Yelblu", "Orange & Teal", "Tiamat", "April Night"

Overview of values

State object

JSON key Value range Description
on bool On/Off state of the light. You can also use "t" instead of true or false to toggle.
bri 0 to 255 Brightness of the light. If on is false, contains last brightness when light was on (aka brightness when on is set to true). Setting bri to 0 is supported but it is recommended to use the range 1-255 and use on: false to turn off. The state response will never have the value 0 for bri.
transition 0 to 65535 Duration of the crossfade between different colors/brightness levels. One unit is 100ms, so a value of 4 results in atransition of 400ms.
tt 0 to 65535 Similar to transition, but applies to just the current API call. Not included in state response.
ps -1 to 250 ID of currently set preset. 1~17~ can be used to iterate through presets 1-17, or 4~10r to select random preset between presets 4 and 10 (inclusive).
pss 0 to 65535 Bitwise indication of preset slots (0 - vacant, 1 - written). Always 0 in 0.11. Not changable. Removed as of v0.11.1
psave 1 to 250 (16 prior to 0.11) Save current light config (state) to specified preset slot. Not included in state response.
pl -1 to 250 ID of currently set playlist. (read-olny)
pdel 1 to 250 Preset ID to delete. Not included in state response.
nl.on bool Nightlight currently active
nl.dur 1 to 255 Duration of nightlight in minutes
nl.fade bool If true, the light will gradually dim over the course of the nightlight duration. If false, it will instantly turn to the target brightness once the duration has elapsed. Removed in 0.13.0 (use mode instead)
nl.mode 0 to 3 Nightlight mode (0: instant, 1: fade, 2: color fade, 3: sunrise) (available since 0.10.2)
nl.tbri 0 to 255 Target brightness of nightlight feature
nl.rem -1 to 15300 Remaining nightlight duration in seconds, -1 if not active. Only in state response, can not be set.
udpn.send bool Send WLED broadcast (UDP sync) packet on state change
udpn.recv bool Receive broadcast packets
udpn.sgrp 0 to 255 Bitfield for broadcast send groups 1-8
udpn.rgrp 0 to 255 Bitfield for broadcast receive groups 1-8
udpn.nn bool Don't send a broadcast packet (applies to just the current API call). Not included in state response.
v bool If set to true in a JSON POST command, the response will contain the full JSON state object. Not included in state response
rb bool If set to true, device will reboot immediately. Not included in state response.
live bool If set to true, enters realtime mode and blanks the LEDs. The realtime timeout option does not have an effect when this command is used, WLED will stay in realtime mode until the state (color/effect/segments, excluding brightness) is changed. It is expected that {"live":false} is sent once live data sending is terminated. Not included in state response.
lor 0, 1, or 2 Live data override. 0 is off, 1 is override until live data ends, 2 is override until ESP reboot (available since 0.10.0)
time uint32 Set module time to unix timestamp. Not included in state response.
mainseg 0 to info.leds.maxseg-1 Main Segment
seg Object or Array of objects (see below) Segments are individual parts of the LED strip. Since 0.9.0 this enables running different effects on differentparts of the strip.
playlist object Custom preset playlists. Not included in state response. (available since 0.11.0)
tb uint32 Sets timebase for effects. Not reported.
ledmap 0 to 9 Load specified ledmap (0 for ledmap.json, 1-9 for ledmap1.json to ledmap9.json). See mapping. Not included in state response. (available since 0.14.0)
rmcpal bool Remove last custom palette if set to true. Not included in state response. (available since 0.14.0)
np bool Advance to the next preset in a playlist if set to true. Not included in state response. (available since 0.15)

Contents of the segment object

Notice: start, stop, and len are not changeable in 0.8.4. Any segment with id > 0 is ignored. Unless stated otherwise, every value may be changed via an HTTP POST request. The tertiary color is not gamma-corrected in 0.8.4, but is in subsequent releases.

JSON key Value range Description
id 0 to info.maxseg -1 Zero-indexed ID of the segment. May be omitted, in that case the ID will be inferred from the order of the segment objects in the seg array.
start 0 to info.leds.count -1 LED the segment starts at. For 2D set-up it determines column where segment starts, from top-left corner of the matrix.
stop 0 to info.leds.count LED the segment stops at, not included in range. If stop is set to a lower or equal value than start (setting to 0 is recommended), the segment is invalidated and deleted. For 2D set-up it determines column where segment stops, from top-left corner of the matrix.
startY 0 to matrix width Start row from top-left corner of a matrix. (available since 0.14.0)
stopY 1 to matrix height  Stop row from top-left corner of matrix. (available since 0.14.0)
len 0 to info.leds.count Length of the segment (stop - start). stop has preference, so if it is included, len is ignored.
grp 0 to 255 Grouping (how many consecutive LEDs of the same segment will be grouped to the same color)
spc 0 to 255 Spacing (how many LEDs are turned off and skipped between each group)
of -len+1 to len Offset (how many LEDs to rotate the virtual start of the segments, available since 0.13.0)
col array of colors Array that has up to 3 color arrays as elements, the primary, secondary (background) and tertiary colors of the segment. Each color is an array of 3 or 4 bytes, which represents a RGB(W) color, i.e. [[255,170,0],[0,0,0],[64,64,64]]. It can also be represented as aan array of strings of hex values, i.e. ["FFAA00","000000","404040"] for orange, black and grey.
fx 0 to info.fxcount -1 ID of the effect or ~ to increment, ~- to decrement, or "r" for random.
sx 0 to 255 Relative effect speed. ~ to increment, ~- to decrement. ~10 to increment by 10, ~-10 to decrement by 10.
ix 0 to 255 Effect intensity. ~ to increment, ~- to decrement. ~10 to increment by 10, ~-10 to decrement by 10.
c1 0 to 255 Effect custom slider 1. Custom sliders are hidden or displayed and labeled based on effect metadata.
c2 0 to 255 Effect custom slider 2.
c3 0 to 31 Effect custom slider 3.
o1 bool Effect option 1. Custom options are hidden or displayed and labeled based on effect metadata.
o2 bool Effect option 2.
o3 bool Effect option 3.
pal 0 to info.palcount -1 ID of the color palette or ~ to increment, ~- to decrement, or r for random.
sel bool true if the segment is selected. Selected segments will have their state (color/FX) updated by APIs that don't support segments (e.g. UDP sync, HTTP API). If no segment is selected, the first segment (id:0) will behave as if selected. WLED will report the state of the first (lowest id) segment that is selected to APIs (HTTP, MQTT, Blynk...), or mainseg in case no segment is selected and for the UDP API. Live data is always applied to all LEDs regardless of segment configuration.
rev bool Flips the segment (in horizontal dimension for 2D set-up), causing animations to change direction.
rY bool Flips the 2D segment in vertical dimension. (available since 0.14.0)
on bool Turns on and off the individual segment. (available since 0.10.0)
bri 0 to 255 Sets the individual segment brightness (available since 0.10.0)
mi bool Mirrors the segment (in horizontal dimension for 2D set-up) (available since 0.10.2)
mY bool Mirrors the 2D segment in vertical dimension. (available since 0.14.0)
tp bool Transposes a segment (swaps X and Y dimensions). (available since 0.14.0)
cct 0 to 255 or 1900 to 10091 White spectrum color temperature (available since 0.13.0)
lx BBBGGGRRR: 0 - 100100100 Loxone RGB value for primary color. Each color (RRR,GGG,BBB) is specified in the range from 0 to 100%. Only available if Loxone is compiled in.
lx 20bbbtttt: 200002700 - 201006500 Loxone brightness and color temperature values for primary color. Brightness bbb is specified in the range 0 to 100%. tttt defines the color temperature in the range from 2700 to 6500 Kelvin. (available since 0.11.0, not included in state response) Only available if Loxone is compiled in.
ly BBBGGGRRR: 0 - 100100100 Loxone RGB value for secondary color. Each color (RRR,GGG,BBB) is specified in the range from 0 to 100%. Only available if Loxone is compiled in.
ly 20bbbtttt: 200002700 - 201006500 Loxone brightness and color temperature values for secondary color. Brightness bbb is specified in the range 0 to 100%. tttt defines the color temperature in the range from 2700 to 6500 Kelvin. (available since 0.11.0, not included in state response) Only available if Loxone is compiled in.
i array Individual LED control. Not included in state response (available since 0.10.2)
frz bool freezes/unfreezes the current effect
m12 0 to 4 [map1D2D.count] Setting of segment field 'Expand 1D FX'. (0: Pixels, 1: Bar, 2: Arc, 3: Corner)
si 0 to 3 Setting of the sound simulation type for audio enhanced effects. (0: 'BeatSin', 1: 'WeWillRockYou', 2: '10_3', 3: '14_3') (as of 0.14.0-b1, there are these 4 types defined)
fxdef bool Forces loading of effect defaults (speed, intensity, etc) from effect metadata. (available since 0.14.0)
set 0 to 3 Assigns group or set ID to segment (not to be confused with grouping). Visual aid only (helps in UI). (available since 0.14.0)
rpt bool Flag to repeat current segment settings by creating segments until all available LEDs are included in automatically created segments or maximum segments reached. Will also toggle reverse on every even segment. (available since 0.13.0)

Info object

No value may be changed by means of this API.

JSON key Value range Description
ver string Version name.
vid uint32 Build ID (YYMMDDB, B = daily build index).
leds object Contains info about the LED setup.
leds.cct bool true if the light supports color temperature control (available since 0.13.0, deprecated, use
leds.count 1 to 1200 Total LED count.
leds.fps 0 to 255 Current frames per second. (available since 0.12.0)
leds.rgbw bool true if LEDs are 4-channel (RGB + White). (deprecated, use
leds.wv bool true if a white channel slider should be displayed. (available since 0.10.0, deprecated, use byte array LED strip pin(s). Always one element. Removed as of v0.13
leds.pwr 0 to 65000 Current LED power usage in milliamps as determined by the ABL. 0 if ABL is disabled.
leds.maxpwr 0 to 65000 Maximum power budget in milliamps for the ABL. 0 if ABL is disabled.
leds.maxseg byte Maximum number of segments supported by this version. byte Logical AND of all active segment's virtual light capabilities
leds.seglc byte array Per-segment virtual light capabilities
str bool If true, an UI with only a single button for toggling sync should toggle receive+send, otherwise send only
name string Friendly name of the light. Intended for display in lists and titles.
udpport uint16 The UDP port for realtime packets and WLED broadcast.
live bool If true, the software is currently receiving realtime data via UDP or E1.31.
lm string Info about the realtime data source
lip string Realtime data source IP address
ws -1 to 8 Number of currently connected WebSockets clients. -1 indicates that WS is unsupported in this build.
fxcount byte Number of effects included.
palcount uint16 Number of palettes configured.
wifi object Info about current signal strength
wifi.bssid string The BSSID of the currently connected network.
wifi.signal 0 to 100 Relative signal quality of the current connection. 1 to 14 The current WiFi channel.
fs object Info about the embedded LittleFS filesystem (since 0.11.0)
fs.u uint32 Estimate of used filesystem space in kilobytes
fs.t uint32 Total filesystem size in kilobytes
fs.pmt uint32 Unix timestamp for the last modification to the presets.json file. Not accurate after boot or after using /edit
ndc -1 to 255 Number of other WLED devices discovered on the network. -1 if Node discovery disabled. (since 0.12.0)
arch string Name of the platform.
core string Version of the underlying (Arduino core) SDK.
lwip 0, 1, or 2 Version of LwIP. 1 or 2 on ESP8266, 0 (does not apply) on ESP32. Deprecated, removal in 0.14.0
freeheap uint32 Bytes of heap memory (RAM) currently available. Problematic if <10k.
uptime uint32 Time since the last boot/reset in seconds.
opt uint16 Used for debugging purposes only.
brand string The producer/vendor of the light. Always WLED for standard installations.
product string The product name. Always FOSS for standard installations.
btype string The origin of the build. src if a release version is compiled from source, bin for an official release image, dev for a development build (regardless of src/bin origin) and exp for experimental versions. ogn if the image is flashed to hardware by the vendor. Removed as of v0.10
mac string The hexadecimal hardware MAC address of the light, lowercase and without colons.
ip string The IP address of this instance. Empty string if not connected. (since 0.13.0)

Examples of frequently requested custom API:

Function/Effect API (Add to preset or call from other sources)
Cycle presets between 1 and 6 {"ps":"1~6~"}
Select random effect on all selected segments {"seg":{"fx":"r"}}
Select random palette between 5 and 10 on segment 2 {"seg":[{"id":2,"pal":"5~10r"}]}
Change segment 0 name {"seg":[{"id":0,"n":"Your custom ASCII text"}]}
Freeze or unfreeze an effect {"seg":[{"id":0,"frz":true}]} or {"seg":[{"id":0,"frz":false}]}
Night light {"nl":{"on":true,"dur":10,"mode":0}}
Increase brightness by 40 wrapping when maximum reached {"bri":"w~40"}

Per-segment individual LED control

Using the i property of the segment object, you can set the LED colors in the segment using the JSON API.
Keep in mind that this is non-persistent, if the light is turned off the segment will return to effect mode.
The segment is frozen when using individual control, the set effect will not run.
To unfreeze the segment, click the "eye" icon, change any property of the segment or turn off the light.

To set individual LEDs starting from the beginning, use an array of Color arrays [255,0,0] or hex values "FF0000". Hex values are more efficient than Color arrays and should be preferred when setting a large number of colors.
{"seg":{"i":["FF0000","00FF00","0000FF"]}} or {"seg":{"i":[[255,0,0],[0,255,0],[0,0,255]]}} will set the first LED red, the second green and the third blue.

To set individual LEDs, use the LED index followed by its color value.
{"seg":{"i":[0,"FF0000",2,"00FF00",4,"0000FF"]}} is the same as above, but leaves blank spaces between the lit LEDs.

To set ranges of LEDs, use the LED start and stop index followed by its color value.
{"seg":{"i":[0,8,"FF0000",10,18,"0000FF"]}} sets the first eight LEDs to red, leaves out two, and sets another 8 to blue.

To set a large number of colors, send multiple api calls of 256 colors at a time.
{"seg": {"i":[0,"CC0000","00CC00","0000CC","CC0000"...]}} {"seg": {"i":[256,"CC0000","00CC00","0000CC","CC0000"...]}} {"seg": {"i":[512,"CC0000","00CC00","0000CC","CC0000"...]}}

Do not make several calls in parallel, that is not optimal for the device. Instead make your call in sequence, where each call waits for the previous to complete before making a new one. How this is done depends on your choice of tool, but with CURL you que your commands by separating then with && i.e. CURL [command 1] && CURL [command 2] && CURL [command 3].

Command buffer size

If you are trying to set many LEDs and it fails to work, you can check your request here for length. Select ESP32 and Deserialize. If the required buffer size is above 10K for ESP8266 and 24K for ESP32, please split it into multiple sequential requests and consider using the Hex string syntax.

Keep in mind that the LED indices are segment-based, so LED 0 is the first LED of the segment, not of the entire strip. Segment features, including Grouping, Spacing, Mirroring and Reverse are functional.

Matrices are handled as a non-serpentine layout.

Brightness interaction

For your colors to apply correctly, make sure the desired brightness is set beforehand. Turning on the LEDs from an off state and setting individual LEDs in the same JSON request will not work!


(Available since 0.11.0)

Sample playlist API call:

  "playlist": {
    "ps": [26, 20, 18, 20],
    "dur": [30, 20, 10, 50],
    "transition": 0,
    "repeat": 10,
    "end": 21

This example applies preset ID 26 for 3 seconds, then preset 20 for 2 seconds, then preset 18 for 1 second, lastly preset 20 again for 5 seconds.This repeats 10 times, then preset 21 is applied.

Playlist object:

JSON key Description
ps Array of preset ID integers to be applied in this order.
dur Array of time each preset should be kept, in tenths of seconds. If only one integer is supplied, all presets will be kept for that time.Defaults to 10 seconds if not provided.
transition Array of time each preset should transition to the next one, in tenths of seconds. If only one integer is supplied, all presets will transition for that time. Defaults to the current transition time if not provided.
repeat How many times the entire playlist should cycle before finishing. Set to 0 for an indefinite cycle. Default to indefinite if not provided.
end Single preset ID to apply after the playlist finished. Has no effect when an indefinite cycle is set. If not provided, the light will stay on the last preset of the playlist.

Light capabilities

In order to e.g. only show color controls relevant to a given setup, it is necessary to obtain the color capabilities of the light.
The info.leds.seglc array can be used to do so on a per-segment level. It contains n+1 8-bit integers, where n is the id of the last active segment, each index corresponds to the segment with that ID.
This integer indicates whether a given segment supports (24 bit) RGB colors, an extra (8 bit) white channel and/or adjustable color temperature (CCT):

Bit Capability
0 Segment supports RGB color
1 Segment supports white channel
2 Segment supports color temperature
3-7 Reserved (expect any value)


lc value Capabilities
0 None. Indicates a segment that does not have a bus within its range, e.g. because it is not active.
1 Supports RGB
2 Supports white channel only
3 Supports RGBW
4 Supports CCT only, no white channel (unused)
5 Supports CCT + RGB, no white channel (unused)
6 Supports CCT (including white channel)
7 Supports CCT (including white channel) + RGB

Note that CCT is controllable per-segment, while RGB color and white channel have 3 color slots each per segment. contains this info on a global level, and is a bitwise AND of the per-segment light capability values.

CCT control

Please also see the general info about CCT.

Supported value ranges

Given that the white spectrum handling is agnostic to the true color temperature of the LEDs used, a relative range is preferred for the time being, where a value of 0 indicates the warmest possible color temperature, while a value of 255 indicates the coldest temperature.

It is also possible to pass a value in the range of 1900 to 10091, in which case it is treated as a Kelvin color temperature, where 1900 is mapped to a relative value of 0 and 10091 to a relative value of 255.

As such, it is unlikely to match the actual color temperature output by the light, therefore the relative values 0-255 are preferred for the time being.

In the future, an option to specify the Kelvin temperatures of the utilized hardware may be added, once this is done, a color temperature can be set to more accurately match other lights.

Therefore, for forward compatibility, your integration should expect both either a 0-255 value for seg.cct, in which case it is a relative value, or an absolute Kelvin value in the range 1000-16000 K. In case a Kelvin value is provided, you can consider the color temperature as accurate, which is not possible with relative 0-255 values as the Kelvin points of the white channels are unknown.
It is preferred that you set a new CCT value in the same range as received from WLED, that is, use 0-255 if the original value was within this range, and 1000-20000 K otherwise.

If your code relies on absolute Kelvin values, a reasonable estimate for the warm white point (relative 0) could be 2700K, while cold white (relative 255) could commonly be 6500K.

Effect of the seg.cct value

seg.cct can always be set, but only has an effect on the physical state of the light if one or both of the following conditions is met:

  • White Balance correction is enabled
  • A bus supporting CCT is configured and Calculate CCT from RGB is not enabled

CCT support is indicated by info.leds.cct being true, in which case you can regard the instance as a CCT light and e.g. display a color temperature control.

Effect metadata

Why effect metadata?

Prior to 0.14, user interfaces showed Speed and Intensity slider, palette controls, and all three color slots regardless of the effect selected. This may cause confusion to the user because controls are displayed that have no immediate effect in the current configuration. Effect metadata allows you to dynamically hide certain controls, so that the user only sees controls actually utilized by the selected effect mode.

Starting with WLED 0.14, effect metadata is available under the /json/fxdata URL.
This returns an array of strings with info.fxcount entries. The string at a given index corresponds to the metadata of the effect with the same ID as that index. Metadata is stored in a memory-optimized string format, for example the Aurora effect has the metadata !,!;;!;1;sx=24,pal=50.

The metadata string consists of up to five sections, separated by semicolons: <Effect parameters>;<Colors>;<Palette>;<Flags>;<Defaults>

Effect parameters

The first section specifies the number and labels of effect parameters (e.g. speed, intensity). Up to 5 sliders and 3 checkboxes are supported (sx,ix,c1,c2,c3,o1,o2,o3 parameters in the seg object). For more details about the ranges of the sliders see contents-of-the-segment-object. Slider/checkbox labels are comma separated. An empty or missing label disables this control. ! specifies the default label is used:

Parameter Default tooltip label
sx Effect speed
ix Effect intensity
c1 Custom 1
c2 Custom 2
c3 Custom 3
o1 Option 1
o2 Option 2
o3 Option 3

The fallback value if this section is missing is two sliders, Effect speed and Effect intensity.


Parameter string Displayed controls
<empty> No effect parameters
! 1 slider: Effect speed
!,! 2 sliders: Effect speed + Effect intensity
!,Phase 2 sliders: Effect speed + Phase
,Saturation,,,,Invert 1 slider (sets ix parameter) and 1 checkbox: Saturation + Invert
,,,,,Random colors 1 checkbox: Random colors

Up to 3 colors can be used. Please note that only the first two characters of the label are visible in the WLED UI.
! specifies the default label is used. The default labels for the color slots are Fx, Bg, and Cs.

The fallback value if this section is missing is 3 colors: Fx + Bg + Cs.


Colors string Displayed controls
<empty> No color controls
! 1 color: Fx
,! 1 color: Bg
!,! 2 colors: Fx + Bg
1,2,3 3 colors: 1 + 2 + 3

If empty, the effect does not use palettes. If !, palette selection is enabled.

The fallback value if this section is missing is palette selection enabled.


Flags allow filtering for effects with certain characteristics. They are a single character each and not comma-separated. Currently, the following flags are specified:

Flag Effect characteristic
0 Effect works well on a single LED. If flag 0 is present, flags 1/2/3 are omitted. (unused)
1 Effect is optimized for use on 1D LED strips.
2 Effect requires a 2D matrix setup (unless flag 1 is also present)
3 Effect requires a 3D cube (unless flags 1 and/or 2 are also present) (unused)
v Effect is audio reactive, reacts to amplitude/volume.
f Effect is audio reactive, reacts to audio frequency distribution.

For example, a Flag string of 2v denotes a volume reactive effect that is to be used on 2D matrices.

The fallback value if this section is missing is 1, i.e. a 1D optimized effect.


Defaults are values for effect parameters that work particularly well on that effect. They are set automatically when the effect is selected in UI unless configured otherwis in UI settings. To specify defaults, use the standard segment parameter name (e.g. ix) followed by an = and the default value. For example, sx=24,pal=50 sets the effect speed to 24 (slow) and the palette to ID 50 (Aurora).

If no default is specified for a given parameter, it retains the current value.



This section about the Sensor API is a DRAFT specification. It is not yet implemented and subject to change.

Various types of sensors (e.g. for Temperature, light intensity, PIR) may be added to WLED via usermods. To allow read access to sensor data via the JSON API in a standardized way, the info.sensor array is used.

If the info.sensor array is missing or empty, no sensor values are exposed.

Sensor object

Each sensor/measurement is represented by an object within the info.sensor array.

For example,


refers to a 12 °C temperature measurement in Celsius with the sensor name "Outside".

The object may contain the following properties, of which all are optional, except type.

JSON key Value range Description
type string The type of the sensor.
n string The name of the sensor. If omitted, the client may generate a suitable name (e.g. "Temperature sensor 1")
val any The most current sensor reading. May be of any JSON type depending on the type of the sensor, this is a number for all sensor types pre-defined below except for the "b" and "CL" types and custom type sensors. null if the reading is invalid, either due to an error or because the first reading has not yet completed.
unit string An explicit human-readable unit string for the measurement. If omitted, the default for the sensor type is used.
error int or string If present and not null,false,0 or an empty string, a sensor error is indicated. May either be an integer error code or an error string.
tc number Seconds of WLED uptime when the value last changed substantially. The threshold for a "substantial" change is up to the implementation. This can for example be used to find when a PIR sensor was last activated.
tm number Seconds of WLED uptime when the last reading given by val was obtained.
ts number Seconds of WLED uptime at the first measurement / start of measurement period. (required for Energy sensor type)
min number Lower bound of possible value range
max number Upper bound of possible value range
u number Absolute uncertainty of the measurement
model string Identification of the sensor hardware used

Sensor types

These are the standardized sensor types that may be implemented by usermods:

Type ID string Measurement type Default unit
"" (empty string) Invalid sensor (reserved) -
b Button/Boolean true/false
c Custom user-defined sensor -
q Electric charge As
t Time s
BL Battery Level %
CL 24-bit RGB color hex string
E Energy (ts property required) J
I Electric current A
J Illuminance lx
L Distance m
Lp Sound pressure level dB
M Mass kg
N Number/count -
P Power W
Pe General purpose percentage %
PL Power Level (signal strength) dBm
Pr Pressure Pa
R Electric Resistance Ohms
RH Relative Humidity %
T Temperature °C
U Voltage V
(other strings) Reserved, let us know if you need a new type added -

If a client is only interested in certain sensor types (e.g. Temperature), it may disregard all other sensor objects.


there is all routes for JSON API:

  • /json/state
  • /json/info
  • /json/si
  • /json/nodes
  • /json/eff
  • /json/palx
  • /json/fxdata
  • /json/net
  • /json/live // only if flag WLED_ENABLE_JSONLIVE is on
  • /json/pal
  • /json/cfg